Red Hills Animal Hospital
Get the Scoop: What Your Pet's Poop is Telling You
Pet Health
We know it can be an icky subject to talk about- but there is a lot about your pet’s stool that can be an indicator of their health. Not only is it important to monitor what goes into their body, but it is also necessary to keep an eye on what’s coming out.
Four Fixes for Feline Behavior Issues
Pet Health
Would you know if your cat was stressed?
Due to their seemingly lazy demeanor, the idea of a stressed cat may seem unlikely or even absurd to many pet owners. But if your cat is demonstrating behaviors such as inappropriate elimination, aggression or excessive grooming, stress is likely to be a contributing factor.
Top This! 5 Healthy Dog Food Toppers
Diet and Nutrition
Not everyone has time to cook meals for their dog, but with a little effort, you could try adding some healthy toppers to their dry food that you already give them! Here are the top 5 foods we suggest to give a try:
A Pet's Guide To Weight Loss
Pet Health
Obesity is an accumulation of excessive energy stored by adipose (fatty) tissue sufficient enough to contribute to disease.
Bad Pet Breath? 10 Important Things You Need To Know...
Dental Care
Does your fido or fluffy have bad breath?